Najwyższa pora , aby odkurzyć album - mam chwile więc uzupełniam zaległości - Święta Wielkanocne już niebawem - plecenie koszyków i dekorowanie wydmuszek mam już za sobą. Wszytko popakowane i przygotowane :)
It's about time to take dust off the album - I have free time now and I am supplementing arrears - Easter Holidays comming soon - Baskets and decorating blown eggs are ready and prepared :)
mix of decoupage and hand painted eggs
1. Black & White & Red
Hand painted eggs with acrylic paints
2.White & Violet eggs
decoupage with rose
3.Decoupage rose
4.Red & Black
Handmade basket with mix of painted eggs and decoupage eggs
5.White & Red
Handmade basket with painted eggs + decoupage ribbon
6.White & Red - black shadow
Handmade basket with hand painted eggs
7. Decoupage eggs - green
8.Black & White
hand painted eggs with flower and animals theme :
sheep , chicken & bunny

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